Waterfall Cavern & North Shore

Save point
Magic ring
Invisible ring (equip TRUE SIGHT to uncover)

Teleport to Sealed Labyrinth

1) Always keep an eye on the compass (The green circle with a blue dot in it) on the left side of the screen, as it is very easy to get lost, especially if you strafe during a fight.
2) You need a Light or Dark spell in order to open the sealed door to the Labyrinth.


Magic Rings (3)
Golden Grass
Magic Stone
Sahagin's Thorn
Level One Magic Gems (assortment)


Poison Plant
Mosquito (Fly)


You arrive at the North Shore of the Island of no Return. Upon your arrival you enter the Waterfall Cavern where your game begins.

Straight ahead and to the left you will find a room with your first SAVE point. Save your game, that way you won't go through the whole starting sequence should you die. Pick up the Magic Ring laying on the floor and head back out towards the entrance, where you just came in.

You will find yourself outside the cave, on the Beach. Stand still for a moment, you will notice the Crabs do not attack if you don't move. Move towards the right, to the empty spot on the sand. (Be careful at this point, one good strike from the crab and you will surely die). Turn around and destroy one crab at a time, Take your time, STAB & BACK AWAY. It only takes 2 hits to kill them. Pick up any items dropped and follow the beach towards the left and around the bend (DON'T STEP TOO FAR OUT INTO THE WATER). You will see another cave entrance, don't bother with it for now. You can't get in anyway, until you acquire a LIGHT or DARK spell. Just keep following the beach until you reach another Magic Ring, almost at the edge of the sand.

Turn back around and into the first cave once again.

You might want to save your game again before you head into the depths of the cave.
From the save room turn left. Straight ahead you will see an opening, approach it with care. If you fall, its more than likely you will land in the river below and drown.
A little to the right from here is a path going down. Follow it to the next large area with a lit torch and three Sahagin.
Take one creature at a time. STAB, BACK AWAY when they get ready to jump, and as soon as they land STAB AGAIN. Two hits is all it takes for the creatures to die.

Follow the winding cave until you reach a river with a small Wooden Bridge on it and a waterfall on the right. (Remember this bridge well, this is where the other Magic Ring is located, although you can't see it right now).

Do not cross the bridge yet. Instead turn right towards the waterfall to the next cave entrance. Follow the cave going up to the next room with two more Sahagin. Destroy them and keep going up to the next room with one Mosquito and one Sahagin. Pick up the Golden Grass next to the wall and head up once more reaching the upper part of the river. Follow the path to the right until you reach a Magic Stone.
Kill the mosquito flying over the river and head back down towards the wooden bridge.

Notice the Poison Plant in the middle of the river, leave it alone. At this time you have no means of destroying it. (Do not stand on its roots, it will shoot poison darts at you).

Straight-ahead from the bridge there is another entrance, and to the right, a ledge which you will get to later.
Kill the Sahagin and go inside this entrance. Go up to the room with two more Sahagin. After killing them go to the left into a room with four Mosquitoes. (Your compass should be pointing UP).
After killing the mosquitoes turn around and head back down to the previous room. Take the cave on the left, going up. You will be on the other side of the upper part of the river. Turn right until you reach the ledge. There is a Magic Stone on the ledge below, if you choose to pick it up, jump down and do so. Jump down once more you will be at the bottom where the wooden bridge is. This time turn right into the cave and right again. You will be back at the river's edge with a lit torch. Go left, just before you enter the next cave you will see two Golden Grass against the wall, next to a cave. Pick them up and go inside the cave going down into another room with four Mosquitoes. After killing the mosquitoes head back out and when you reach the river again turn left and follow the path to exit this area.
