(Please note that although you will find some weapons more than once, I have only listed one possible place where they can be found.)

level 1
Special weapon that grows with the passage of time. Given to you at the start of the game
level 2
At this stage the sword becomes more powerful.
level 3
At it's final stage the sword now has the power of Light. Needed to make the Ichrius Key.
Long Sword
Ordinary weapon issued to all of the soldiers in the Verdite Army.
Found in the Ancient Battlegrounds.
Ordinary weapon with the power of Fire. Can be used to light up wind candlesticks. Found by Cain's tombstone in the Ancient Battlegrounds.
Broad Sword
Ordinary weapon used by squad leaders because of its reach.
Found in a treasure chest in the Garrison Barracks.
Ordinary weapon with the power of light. The sword of Captain Silviera.
Found in Quist inside a sealed treasure chest.
Ordinary weapon easy for beginners to learn with. It is slender and is used for thrusting.
Found in the Garrison Barracks.
Special weapon with the power of Wind. It was given to King Harvine and has an extremely sharp blade.
Found inside a cave, in the Frozen Plains.
Special weapon made of Promeus. It has the power of light.
Found in the Garrison Barracks.
Groundal Blade
Special weapon used by the people of the land of Garan. It has the power of Earth.
Given to you by Lord Veyrac in Cason, upon meeting certain requirements.
Anorium Sword
Special weapon with the power of Fire. It has the flame of Sacred Anor built into its blade.
Dropped by an Alchemine in the Place of the Biginning (5/256 chance).
Special weapon with the power of Water. It has tremendous striking power.
Found on a small island in Cason.
Seath's Sword
Special weapon belonging to Merril Ur, hero of the High Elves. This sword has the sharpest blade of all the weapons.
Found in the ground floor of the King's Cemetery.
Dark Slayer
Special weapon made by Leon Shore out of the Black Crystal. It has the power of all the elements, except light.
Dropped by the King upon his defeat.
Triple Fang
Special weapon with the power of light. It regenerates HP & MP while equipped.
Found in Quist inside a Royal treasure chest.
Moonlight Sword
level 1
Special weapon made by Vallad with the power of Light. The holy sword that belonged to King Alfred will regenerate MP while equipped.
Take the broken hilt to Guyra's Chamber.
Moonlight Sword
level 2
Upon defeating the Evil King, the soul of King Alfred emerges and adds more Light power to the holy sword. It now will regenerate HP & MP while equipped.
Battle Axe
Ordinary weapon, found inside a treasure chest in the Garrison Barracks.
Crescent Axe
Ordinary weapon, a glorified battle axe with longer reach and better striking power.
Found in the Cave of Shudom.
Evil Crescent
Special weapon with great striking power but it paralizes the user, randomly.
Found in the Passage of Thieves.
Morguline Axe
Special weapon with an Earth Spirit embodied within its blade.
Found in the Valley of Garan.
Ordinary weapon, light weight and easy to use.
Found ???
Large Bow
Ordinary weapon used to shoot down the enemy from far away.
Found in the Garrison Barracks.
Elchris Bow
Special weapon with the power of Light. It's arrows home in on the target but it takes 3-8 HP each time.
Found in the Dwarve's Cave.
Morning Star
Ordinary weapon, great for smashing skulls. Found on a corpse in the Ancient Battlegrounds.
Ordinary weapon made of silver. It has the power of Light.
Found inside a Magician's treasure chest in Lake Noel.
Blood Star
Special weapon will recover 1-10 HP upon defeating an enemy but prevents you from casting magic.
Found in the Passage of Thieves.
Flame Rod
Special weapon with the power of Fire. Increases magic power when equipped but has NO striking power. For sale at Ed Edmund's shop.
Silence Rod
Special weapon with the power of Water. Increases magic power when equipped and will destroy the "Undead" with just one strike.
Found inside Lyn's house in Ralugo.

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