The Art Shop

drop me a line
My guestbook has been disabled because it has become nothing more than a spam magnet, sorry for the inconvinience.

Hello and WELCOME to the Art Shop.
Please feel free to browse around the gallery. I hope you enjoy my artwork.
If you would like to obtain a custom work of art email me for a price quote and don't forget to sign my Guest Book.
I will be updating this page with new projects as they become available so please come back and visit often!

LAST UPDATE: 12/03/05 Added a new page of spaceships to the Computer Art section.
4/12/05 Added new pictures to the Computer Art section.
3/9/05 A new section has been added: My Computer Art.
11/08/04 Two new pictures have been added to the Airbrush Section and a new painting in the Oils Section.
4/08/02 two new pictures have been added to Pencils & Sketches and Pen & Ink
10/15/01 New pictures have been added to Pencils & Sketches
10/14/01 Action figures section has been added
9/25/01 New pictures have been added to the Air brush, Oils and Pen & Ink sections.
