Welcome to the Oblivion Character Creations page!

ettings found here were created by members of the Gamefaqs Boards. You're free to use them as they are, or as tips to create your own "better looking" characters.

haracter creation should be a crucial part of your game. And I'm not just talking about the skills and attributes part but about the part where you customize the appearance of your character. Because unless you want to stare at an old, generic-looking face for the rest of your game, you will need to spend some time tweaking the character settings. This is a very frustrating and time consuming process. Hopefully with these tips we can minimize the time you spend creating your character and maximize your time enjoying the actual game.

eep in mind that there are 20 positions for each slider. To make it easier, we'll call these positions "clicks" and they'll start from zero at the left hand side of the slider bar. So for example, if something calls for 10 clicks, it should be set right at the center. Also keep in mind that while your characters are being created under a dark environment, any type of outdoor lighting will make them look a bit different, especially sunlight during dawn and dusk. This light tends to create some strange looking shadows and undesirable skin blotches. But that should not be too much of a problem since most of the time you will be looking at your character's face while you are in the inventory screens, which have the same lighting as the screen where your character was created.

Example Unordered List

Example Blockquote

Aliquam gravida massa eu arcu. Fusce mollis tristique sem. Sed eu eros imperdiet eros interdum blandit. Vivamus sagittis bibendum erat. Curabitur malesuada turpis nec ante. Suspendisse quis felis. Suspendisse potenti. Nullam et orci in erat viverra ornare. Nunc pellentesque. Sed vestibulum blandit nisl. Quisque elementum convallis purus.


Date Title Description
December 1, 2006 Sed vestibulum blandit Vivamus sollicitudin dolor sit amet eros. Vivamus ligula. Sed pretium turpis eu ipsum. Sed rutrum sapien id arcu.
November 28, 2006 Augue non nibh Nam adipiscing urna ac consequat dignissim massa est sodales sem.
November 23, 2006 Fusce ut diam bibendum Vestibulum quis urn nulla facilis nam malesuada cursus turpis.
November 21, 2006 Maecenas et ipsum Vivamus mi lectus gravida scelerisque, ultrices vitae cursus in neque.

Etiam suscipit et

Rhoncus ac, lacinia, nisl. Aliquam gravida massa eu arcu. More…

Fusce dolor tristique

Sed eu eros imperdiet eros interdum blandit. Vivamus sagittis bibendum erat. Curabitur malesuada. More…

Nunc pellentesque

Sed vestibulum blandit nisl. Quisque elementum convallis purus. Suspendisse potenti. Donec nulla est, laoreet quis, pellentesque in. More…

Ipsum Dolorem