June 8, 2004
Visual Guide Update - A brand new area
After a long, tedious, and slow journey through the Scouring Rush Area I was finally able to get the guide and maps together. Talk about a confusing place, just you wait until you walk through it. On the other hand I did learn something new. When I first read the name of this area in the official strategy guide I thought something got lost in the translation. I did not know "scouring rush" was actually a plant. Doh!
All of the sudden, everything in the area made more sense!
As always, hope you enjoy!
May 11, 2004
Another Update
What is better then a website with lots of info about STA? A STA site that has no pop-ups. As of May 8th this site is no longer a freebie, so all the adds should stop. If you still encounter some pop-ups while you're visiting please let me know through the message boards.
Renwick is off to the E3 show in Los Angeles this week. Let's hope he'll bring us some good news. And last but not least, there is a new area ready in the Visual Guide section. As always, enjoy!
May 3, 2004
Visual Guide Update
I'm making good progress through the tower, meeting all kinds of weird-looking creatures. Made it to a place where monsters can regenarate body parts as you stand there watching. Pretty cool stuff...but that will be on another update. For now, the Violent Poison area is complete. Enjoy!
April 30, 2004
Visual Guide Update
The Visual Guide for the Deformed Insect Area is now available. Enjoy! I'll have another update coming in the next few days. I just need to finish the walkthrough for the next area. After that, there will be two more areas and the first level of the tower will be complete.
April 16, 2004
Two More Sections
I have added two more sections to the site: A Visual Guide and Items
In the Items section you will find all the usable things you get in the game. The Visual Guide is intended as a walkthrough. But even if you are not playing the game you will get the feel of STA.
This time the maps are a lot different than the ones I made for the TAC site. I wanted to capture the raw design of the maps you find throughout the game.
There are also plenty of screenshots, it will be as if you are playing the game yourself. As always, hope you enjoy.
March 28, 2004
Big Book of Creatures
With the first Shadow Tower we were introduced to the Monster Encyclopedia, a neat little section where the information regarding each creature was stored as soon as you had an encounter. With a total of 250 creatures, that section was quite unique and abundant. This time around the monster section is a lot smaller, only 68 creatures, nicely rendered and ready to spread terror in the heart of the bravest of warriors; the product of those wonderfully twisted minds of the From designers...Enjoy! |
March 22, 2004
Grand Opening!
Well finally decided to make this site public and share what little info I have. All sections are operational, except for the 'Creatures and Maps'. I'll be working on creatures in the next few days and as soon as I get the game (2 weeks or less), I will start adding maps and anything else I find. Hope you enjoy!!! |
February 17, 2004
With sadness in our hearts:
Perhaps this day will not go down in history, but at least it will be a day that no Fan of Kings Field will ever forget. The sad news came to those fans that frequent the Agetec message boards, when we learned that the powers at Sony did not approve Shadow Tower Abyss for release in North America. Shock, disbelief and disgust were among few of the feelings we went through that day. Apparently the game failed the graphics department when compared to other First Person Shooters and they (Sony) felt there was no market for it in the US due to the nature of the game play. What? Are you kidding me?
So why do I still make this site? Because of the countless hours spent collecting data, editing pictures and waiting for those Japanese books to arrive. Because of all the coffee I had to drink to stay awake all those countless hours. Because it's the least I can do, after all the troubles Agetec producers went through trying to get us this game. And because I want the fans to see what it is we are missing...Enjoy a game we'll never see...
Shadow Tower: Abyss is a game created by From Software
All rights reserved |