A Visual Guide

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Nothing can substitute playing the game to get the best experience. But for those of you, who won’t be as fortunate, I offer this guide. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words and in this case there are not enough words to describe the atmosphere of STA.

Unlike its predecessor, STA offers a variety of colors and although they retain a certain sense of darkness, they are a lot more pleasing to the eye.
Right from the start, the rich greens of the grass and muddy browns of the rock mix in with brilliant yellows from the light sources to give an atmosphere unlike any I have ever seen. At times even comfortable and pleasant, if not for the distant calls and shrills of the creatures that roam the caverns. Deep purples, bright reds and even fluorescent blues, mixed in with the strange looking creatures make the game feel out of this world.

The attention to detail of the environment is excellent, from the lizards crawling on walls, the fish swimming around the pools to the gnats flying in the light. I could just spend hours admiring the panorama.

And with all the background sounds and noises, there is really no need for music. The sound of the wind blowing by at intervals or the moans of dying NPC’S are enough to keep you on your toes. Then, every once in a while you get the sudden sound of some mysterious musical notes and you know something is about to happen.

Hats off to the creative minds that made it all possible.

All material is copyright of the author and is free for personal use only. If you wish to use this guide ( or any part thereof ) anywhere else, please contact me via the Message Board.

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I would specially like to thank Renwick for all his help. This guide would be a mess without it.

A word of WARNING: There are plenty of spoilers ahead!
  • Deep Forest Area
  • Silent Shore Area
  • Deformed Insect Area
  • Violent Poison Area
  • Chalkstone Area
  • Scouring Rush Area
  • Waterfall Area
  • Cliff Area
  • Red Desert Area
  • Dense Fog Area
  • Moving Floor Area