Herbal Liquid
Forest Root
Dried Amphibia
Earth Folk's Map
Green Guidestone

Cross Bow
Ice Armor

Fire Elemental
Lava Face
Thumbnails not available at this time
1)(***) Make sure you take the Green Guidestone with you before leaving this area. It will be of more use to you later on.

2) Use the Water Carver against the Fire Elementals. They are afraid of water.

3) When you reach the Craftsman's Room you will be greeted by the voice of Arx Angelos, a telepathic message perhaps since you never meet this mysterious person. In order to get the Earth Folk's Map you must first figure out how to open the door...look into the torches for a clue.

4) The lava flowing through a part of the hall will prevent you from going too far. Go up the stairs and destroy the Lava Faces, they will stop spitting lava down to the lower floor.

5) (***) The Ice Armor is locked in a chest that opens with the Craftsman's Key, which you will not find until MUCH later.

Walkthrough coming soon